The Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) convened on Orlando for its 2015 annual conference in December. The event welcomed the most distribution companies since 2007.
You’re reading this magazine sometime in mid-January. The afterglow of the HARDI conference, while hopefully not gone, is probably losing some of its luster. And the urgency to plan ahead for future HARDI conferences hasn’t struck home yet. You’re wading in that in-between crevice — one side relaxed, the other mulling over the planning mode you will eventually need to ignite.
During the Heating, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) Annual Conference in Orlando, HARDI leadership transferred several key leadership positions, including the position of president from Bill Bergamini (ILLCO Inc.) to Michael Meier (Meier Supply).
Heating, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) named four champions for their outstanding contributions to one of the HARDI pillars. The following champions in Advocacy, Benchmarking, and Education were recognized at the Annual Conference in Orlando.
At its annual conference in Orlando, Heating, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) presented several Key Member awards. Most notably, HARDI inducted Royce Henderson, president of Charles D. Jones Co., into the Martin Walshin Permanent Key Group.
At the 2015 Heating, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) Annual Conference, North American Technician Excellence (NATE) recognized nine HARDI member companies for their outstanding efforts to promote NATE technician certification in the HVACR industry.
Thermostat Recycling Corp. (TRC) announced that Johnstone Supply, US Air Conditioning Distributors, Johnson Supply, and Auer Steel have been named the 2015 Big Man On Planet (BMOP) winners.
I want to write this column about why you should attend the HARDI conference. I’ve written a variant of this column with that slant over the years, even when I was not the editor of HARDI’s official publication.
While the lineup for the Operations & Logistics Focus Conference produced the same high-caliber presenters that one expects from a HARDI gathering, this one had several surprises.