Ask Norm Clark, senior lecturer at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, and he might sum up a high-performance sales organization in four phrases.
The much anticipated 2013 Annual Conference is finally upon us, and I am incredibly excited to show all of you the hard work that HARDI has put forth into making this one of the best annual conferences to date.
The 2014 Annual Conference is moving fast upon us and I am well aware that my tenure as HARDI president will end on Dec. 10. I would like to thank all HARDI members for allowing me to serve as a HARDI officer. This has been an eye-opening year for me and I have learned so much from talking with our members from all corners of North America.
What is the distributor’s role in demand creation? The HARDI Foundation is launching research to find out. Take a look at who’s leading the charge and who of the HVAC industry has already decided to participate.
To be held from Dec. 7-10 in Phoenix, the annual conference will focus on the importance of embracing new methods and technology in conjunction with time-tested practices
The annual conference — Evolve ’13: New Pathways to Success — will focus on the importance of embracing new methods and technology in conjunction with time-tested practices in order to achieve success.
The first two Focus 2013 conferences are in the books and attendee feedback has been positive regarding the new format. Both gathered a strong mix of HARDI members and their key staff members that most closely related to the regional topics presented. What did they learn while there?
As distributors, I am sure you have spent more than a few hours wrestling with the new health care laws. Is it conquerable, or will it eat you up like a nasty gator? Here is some information that could help.
With the first of its new conferences in the history books, HARDI is preparing for the upcoming HR and Organizational Management conference in Tampa, Fla. All members are welcome to attend the event which takes place at the Saddlebrook Resort, April 14-16. What can be expected?