When possible, repairing these coolers without attaching a pressure gauge to the sealed system can avoid creating unnecessary service issues with the cooler in the future.
There are times when the attempt to do something positive can result in something unexpected. The annual increase in the number of hard-start kits being added to air conditioners is a perfect example.
In this troubleshooting situation, the equipment is a gas pack that has been in service for 18 months. What is the underlying cause for the poor performance of this unit?
Oil-logging is often a major cause of low-side restrictions, and there are many ways in which evaporator and suction lines inside tubing can become oil-logged.
The equipment in this month’s troubleshooting situation is a split system that has only been in service for two years, but there is a lot of history — several service calls since the equipment was installed, and an on-going complaint that the system just doesn’t keep the ranch-style home comfortable.