Making intelligent, informed financial decisions is the best way to keep your business running smoothly and profitably. Businesses are very much like fine-tuned machines: each complicated part must be developed independently, but they must work well together to deliver consistent, long-term results.
In the aftermath of the recent hurricane emergency felt across the state, one Florida city has taken swift action to aid local residents’ recovery and preparedness efforts. The Cape Coral City Council approved a robust hurricane response package for residents, including access to an innovative form of financing called HERO. HERO Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing empowers homeowners to make energy-efficient, renewable energy, and hurricane-resiliency improvements and pay for the upgrades over time through a voluntary assessment on their property tax bills.
TransUnion reported credit card balances increased 7.4 percent to $693 billion, and personal lending balances increased 9.7 percent to $102 billion from the previous year in its first quarter “2017 Industry Insights Report.”
The HVAC geothermal industry recently received some good news when Google formed an independent business called Dandelion to get into the geothermal space.
Microf LLC, a provider of residential lease-to-own products for the HVAC industry, raised $96.7 million in growth capital. The combined debt and equity raise is funded through a new $40 million committed senior debt facility provided by Atalaya Capital Management with an additional $40 million accordion feature; a new $10 million senior debt facility provided by Microf’s existing lender, BrandBank; and $6.67 million in equity provided by current equity investors.
Microf LLC, a provider of residential lease-to-own products for the HVAC industry, raised $96.7 million in growth capital. The combined debt and equity raise is funded through a new $40 million committed senior debt facility provided by Atalaya Capital Management with an additional $40 million accordion feature; a new $10 million senior debt facility provided by Microf’s existing lender, BrandBank; and $6.67 million in equity provided by current equity investors.