MEP elements used in off-site construction and opportunities to achieve increased energy efficiency and water conservation in the factory are addressed in this standard.
The Comet Burner can be supplied as part of a complete combustion system that can include draft control, feedwater control, multiple boiler lead/lag control, or plant master control.
While most data centers use air-cooled chillers that have free cooling coils to benefit from lower ambient conditions, air-cooled, magnetic bearing centrifugal chillers can operate at inverted conditions and provide free cooling without the need for additional coils.
Its central location in the country provides shorter travel for many who are not close to Fujitsu’s Pine Brook, New Jersey, or Martinez, California, facilities.
The Lower-GWP Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Innovation Award promotes inventive design and practice by recognizing the implementation of new technological concepts.
Whether it’s engineering a new campus distribution system, reengineering one, or adding an extension to one for a new building on the campus, hydraulic modeling is an essential design tool.
Spearheaded by Reps. Rick Crawford (R-AR) and John Duarte (R-CA), H.R. 7922 authorizes an independent, non-federal entity to lead the development of cybersecurity requirements in the sector.
Treading lightly with your involvement in troubleshooting in new construction commissioning is necessary to avoid busting your budget or having others shift their responsibility onto you.