Leighton Deer, vice president of mechanical engineering, and Peter Dahl, principal, of HGA Architects and Engineers, take a deeper dive into beneficial electrification in this video.
With respect to boiler assemblies, functional safety relates to all functions, including control, protection, and monitoring, intended to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons.
Possessing nearly 25 years of experience, Buchberger will draw upon her expertise to expand the office’s already substantial portfolio of work across the higher education, health, science & technology, urban design, workplace and waterfront markets.
Renewable energy has led to a sharp decline in coal-based power and nuclear energy over the past decade, but natural gas-based electricity production increased during that period.
The unit provides a solution for removing magnetite from light commercial systems with space-restricted mechanical rooms and larger systems (above 4 inches) in a side-stream application.