Boys and Girls High School in Brooklyn, one of 1,859 New York City public schools, was an early adopter of MERV-13 filtration for its numerous window air conditioning units.
Boys and Girls High School in Brooklyn, one of 1,859 New York City public schools, was an early adopter of MERV-13 filtration for its numerous window air conditioning units.
SHARP is an on-site consultation program that offers confidential occupational safety and health services to small- and medium-sized businesses in the U.S., free of charge.
The school district achieved an energy savings of nearly $1.6 million in the three years following a comprehensive energy and infrastructure upgrade on six school and administration buildings.
The school district achieved an energy savings of nearly $1.6 million in the three years following a comprehensive energy and infrastructure upgrade on six school and administration buildings.
The new tool gives business operators an objective, comprehensive view of vendor cost and performance to help them find the top contractors for their facilities maintenance needs.