Death’s Door Spirits in Middleton, WI, is a popular craft distiller known for its vodka, gin, and whisky that uses organic wheat from Washington Island, Wis. The brand is sold across the United States and Europe, and according to the distillery, the beverages would not be possible without the use of two LX-100 SG steam boilers from Miura.
The American Swedish Institute looked homeward to plan for its future, using geothermal technology to achieve high-performance energy solutions in an urban setting.
Reflecting a long-established Swedish commitment to environmental stewardship, the Nelson Cultural Center addition at the American Swedish Institute (ASI) in Minneapolis integrates several technically advanced sustainable features, including a high-efficiency geothermal heating and cooling system that reduces energy consumption by nearly 30 percent (based on an ASHRAE 90.1 baseline) while supporting the Institute’s diverse community programming.
Alfred University in Alfred, NY, has once again teamed up with FSC Systems LLC to upgrade fire and life safety systems on campus. The upgrades are not just making buildings on campus safer, but they are cutting down on associated costs and labor.
UFAD and displacement ventilation systems require accurate estimates to meet relative humidity requirements and ensure efficient operations. Take a look at a few design options, and contemplate the reader challenge at the end.
Since their introduction in Europe in the 1950s, and their domestic rise in specification during the 1990s, UFAD and displacement ventilation systems promise significant energy savings as a direct result of a higher supply air temperature that yields an increase in the use of economizer or free cooling hours.
There are many elements to a BAS. Of course, the ability to control systems through direct digital control (DDC) is always a require-ment, but ideally, we expect these systems to be much more.
When Encore Wire, a manufacturer of copper electrical wire and cable was ready to expand, they knew they wanted sustainability to feature prominently in the design of their new building.