For a consumer food group’s very mixed-space campus, HGA’s careful outdoor air strategy got support from smart boiler, chiller, and lighting design to create performance tailored for the client while comfortably exceeding LEED®and ASHRAE 90.1 requirements.
system experts see flow as a key step to optimizing system efficiency. Cutting
down required tubing size, insulated PEX for district systems, and
variable-speed pumps to pin down a chiller’s exact needs are three points of
attack in the modern campaign against waste.
The final air toxic rules for institutional, commercial, and industrial (ICI) boilers (after almost two decades of legal wrangling, political pandering and intrusion, and boiler-user dread) have been inked and will soon be published in the Federal Register - an action that will begin the compliance clock ticking for new and existing boilers in these sectors.
For almost a century, operators of boilers and steam using equipment have realized the benefits of higher process efficiency and extended equipment life made possible by reducing the feedwater dissolved oxygen (DO) levels to the lowest possible values.