Whenever I encounter a problem that involves processing massive amounts of data, I tend to lean on Python, a scripting language that allows us to use code to do just about anything you can think of.
Whenever I encounter a problem that involves processing massive amounts of data, I tend to lean on Python, a scripting language that allows us to use code to do just about anything you can think of.
The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Building Information Management Council (BIMC) is planning the upcoming release of COBie 3.0 as an update to the Construction to Operations Building information exchange (COBie 2.4) Specification.
The LSU research group will work over the next year to determine how construction skills on Earth could and would translate to working on a planetary body other than our own.
The LSU research group will work over the next year to determine how construction skills on Earth could and would translate to working on a planetary body other than our own.