Systemair Mfg. Inc. released a white paper for parking garage engineers and designers outlining the details within the newest revision of AMCA/ANSI Standard 250-22.
Systemair Mfg. Inc. released a white paper for parking garage engineers and designers outlining the details within the newest revision of AMCA/ANSI Standard 250-22.
The Friedrich internship program provides participating engineering students with the chance to work in one of the most technically advanced room a/c labs in North America while honing their teamwork, communication, presentation, and professionalism skills.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers demonstrated that microchannel heat exchangers in HVAC units can keep refrigerants evenly and continually distributed by inserting a device called a piezoelectric-driven magnetic actuator, or PEDMA.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers demonstrated that microchannel heat exchangers in HVAC units can keep refrigerants evenly and continually distributed by inserting a device called a piezoelectric-driven magnetic actuator, or PEDMA.