Trevor Boz leads the science and technology practice in New York, and Philip Brychta specializes in commercial, government, education, residential, and hospitality.
Using the combined performance factors of airflow, thrust, throw, and induction, the AJR fully implements an extraction ventilation strategy to more effectively reduce CO levels compared to traditional garage ventilation designs.
Kevin Herreman, principal acoustic scientist at Owens Corning, discusses the problems posed by industrial noise and shares some research on models to more accurately predict insertion loss in the latest installment of the Blueprint.
The unit is an FDA-cleared Class II medical device that combines WellAir’s patented NanoStrike™ technology with a triple-stage filtration system from Camfil® to optimize the health of indoor spaces.
BIM is a collaborative process supported by teams, technologies, and tools to generate and manage digital assets that represent the physical space of a building to be constructed.
Applicable to large, open, indoor spaces with low occupancy as well as to warehouses, the findings are based on more than 220 parametric computational-fluid-dynamics (CFD) simulations varying worker and packing-line locations and fan speed (20%-100%) with and without racking.
ASHRAE completed the $20 million building renovation project with the intention of proving the economic viability of a fully net-zero-energy (NZE) operation.
The latest addition to the IncOder Series, the Multiturn, offers precise angle measurements for applications including robot joints, cranes, and antenna masts.