A university is a lot like a small city, and Montclair State University is no exception. There are 21,000 students enrolled, and more than 5,000 live on-site. The campus has a life of its own, and what keeps everything going is power.
OMNIA Partners reviewed more than 500 supplier partners across the public and private sector for the OMNIA Partners Connections 2019 Supplier Awards before identifying just six companies to honor.
The new design features sloped housing for efficient condensate draining, easy service access, improved fan guard design, and deep draw venturi to achieve optimal airflow, coils with enhanced copper tubing, and high-efficiency motors.
I have struggled with writing this article based upon what is being reported and what our industry leaders are recommending. It’s a fine balancing act, and I feel we may have too many plates spinning at once.
Fisonic Devices (FDs) are heat exchangers, pumps, and mixers with patented optimized internal geometry. The theory of Fisonic devices was developed by Professor Fisenko by addressing safety problems of the Russian nuclear submarines during the disruption of the air tightness of reactor cavity (Ref 1-2).