In this role, Kaled will be responsible for the company’s boiler and heat recovery aftermarket product and solutions sales in addition to all ongoing and new service activities.
Examining the opportunities surrounding the hiring of skilled workers and the challenges the industry needs to consider to secure a strong future ahead for the workforce.
The Proline Promag W electromagnetic flowmeter does not have a measuring tube restriction, resulting in reliable measurements independent of the flow profile and the mounting location.
Can a cutting-edge thermal power technology developed in the cold climes of Sweden work in the region’s arid environment? NMSU students explored the possibilities.
Tallberg will be responsible for leading the sales support, product management, sales engineering and product development teams for the burner and exhaust product lines.
“We selected Cambridge Air Solutions to retain the Cambridge name with our strong reputation for creating better working environments with high-quality and efficient HVAC products,” said Randy Niederer, director of marketing, Cambridge Air Solutions.