Through a flexible design incorporating radiant heating and cooling, demand ventilation, energy recovery, and VAV, Manhattan’s Cooper Union leads its class in sustainable performance in
classrooms, labs, and beyond.
With the help of advances in intelligent controls and a shift in design mindset, these systems can steer buildings toward smaller equipment sizes and associated savings. Review three projects and consider the benefits of keeping an upcoming project in the loop.
Last September, on what would normally have been a mild autumn day, Southern California was blasted by a record-breaking heat wave with temperatures spiraling upwards to 116°F in the Los Angeles basin. The heat was far above the normal highs, which would typically be in the mid-70s.
The Radiant Rollout™ mat from Uponor is a custom-designed, prefabricated, pre-pressurized network of the company’s cross-linked polyethylene (PEX-a) tubing deigned for faster, more consistent installations for large commercial radiant heating and cooling applications.
In this overview of building information modeling, the authors review how BIM helped in three different projects, often with particular usage- and efficiency-based HVAC demands. While BIM’s space management skills can reduce costly changeorders and building design “clashes” ahead of time, in at least one instance, using BIM actually influenced the HVAC strategy for the better, too. See how HGA Architects and Engineers has used this to become a “model” firm.
A lot has happened since the author’s 2008
article. It’s prime time to revisit expectations for BAS and chiller
optimization controls, and then have a look at several of today’s options for
anyone managing chilled water flow to wring the last drop of efficiency out of
a system.
Innovation has thrived in Philadelphia since Ben Franklin invented bifocals, the lightning rod, and the wood stove that bears his name more than two centuries ago. This tradition of innovation
Using a CO2 cooling system reduced this organic grocery store’s refrigerant use by 60% to 65% a year. Arizona-based Sprouts Farmers Market is not only a leader in natural and