Thorough mixing of combustion air, fuel, and high volumes of flue gas is a very effective approach to almost eliminate both thermal NOx and prompt NOx.
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) produced during the combustion process contribute to the formation of smog, ozone, and acid rain, causing harm to humans and ecosystems.
Fitzgerald, executive vice president of operations, will step down after 30 years of experience, while Gan is being promoted to senior vice president, strategy and sustainability.
BOILER 2022 is the first and only event focused exclusively on the boiler supply chain and will feature direct engagement between boiler industry manufacturers and those involved in the purchasing, operation, and maintenance of boilers.
BOILER 2022 is the first and only event focused exclusively on the boiler supply chain and will feature direct engagement between boiler industry manufacturers and those involved in the purchasing, operation, and maintenance of boilers.
Viewing multiple boiler rooms from one centralized location gives managers a birds-eye view into an organization’s critical steam generation infrastructure.
Viewing multiple boiler rooms from one centralized location gives managers a birds-eye view into an organization’s critical steam generation infrastructure.