The 2020 ASHRAE Handbook, “HVAC Systems and Equipment,” discusses various systems and the equipment (components or assemblies) they comprise and describes features and differences.
On days when the outdoor temperature rose above 100°F, the church’s parish center struggled to keep the interior temperature below 90°. This caused the space to go almost entirely unused in summer, a time when the children of the community were seeking activities.
The expanded offering includes fluid cooler models for low-charge refrigeration applications and software enhancements for all models that optimize fan energy use based on system conditions.
After years of chasing the attractive efficiency numbers offered by water-based evaporative systems, many data center providers are giving air-cooled chillers a second look.
It’s no secret that data centers require a lot of energy. The main driver of data center design engineers’ work is to provide energy-efficient, reliable, and cost-competitive HVAC systems.