All-electric infrastructure is a pivotal step toward achieving net-zero emissions in the building sector, paving the way for a cleaner, more sustainable future.
Fed up with spending substantial resources on the continuous repair of an aging cooling tower, a large North Carolina-based community college recently opted to replace its failing galvanized-metal unit with an engineered plastic model.
While most data centers use air-cooled chillers that have free cooling coils to benefit from lower ambient conditions, air-cooled, magnetic bearing centrifugal chillers can operate at inverted conditions and provide free cooling without the need for additional coils.
Whether it’s engineering a new campus distribution system, reengineering one, or adding an extension to one for a new building on the campus, hydraulic modeling is an essential design tool.
Founded in 1821 with a focus on liberal arts, Amherst College has seen an 85% increase in enrolments in STEM classes during the past 15 years. Consequently, a new Science Center opened in the fall of 2018 that embraces sustainability.
Evaporative cooling towers play an important role in green buildings by significantly reducing energy consumption when they supplement or replace traditional air conditioning systems, thereby reducing carbon footprint and operating costs.