These National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)-certified valves offer lead-free brass bodies (ball valves), ductile iron ASTM A536 (butterfly valves) for on/off or floating point control with operating ranges up to 230 psi, depending on the series.
Enhancements stem from more than two years of additional input from engineers, contractors and building owners – resulting in a substantially upgraded, interactive Building Efficiency System Tool™ (BEST).
Gillis has more than 20 years of engineering and application experience in HVAC equipment and building controls, including as a sales engineer for HVAC equipment and automatic temperature control system manufacturers and as a Northeast sales application engineer for Johnson Controls Inc.
The unit is equipped with two, 2-horsepower, 220-volt motors for handling multiple commercial fixtures that must process large volumes of high-temperature water, grease, or chemicals.
Using a combination of advanced fluid mechanics and solid mechanics, Purdue researchers have established a new generalized flow law for elastic microtubes like blood vessels.
When added to any hydronic system at a low concentration, a non-ionic surfactant has been shown to reduce surface tension inside pipes and coils by 60%, enhancing heat transfer.
Patricia Ackerman, senior vice president of investor relations, corporate responsibility and sustainability, and treasurer for A. O. Smith Corp., sat down with Herb Woerpel to discuss the company’s 2020 Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability (CRS) Report, how the COVDI-19 pandemic has impacted production, and more.