This month’s B2B will focus on a college building program to add dormitory building smoke exhaust systems to serve existing corridors in three four-story buildings.
This month’s Facility File will focus on the B2B March test for the retrofit of a 1960s, 250,000-sq-ft hospital conversion to apartments changing out the high-pressure steam boilers to hot water boiler modules.
In the October 2017 issue, three dehumidification methods for health care were introduced (“Dehumidification For Health Care”): low temperature DX, low temperature glycol, and desiccant dehumidification.
Boston Medical Center (BMC), a comprehensive medical facility providing inpatient, outpatient, and emergency care in the heart of the city’s historic South End, needed to address challenges associated with a merger which resulted in a split campus configuration.
Founded in 1837 and named after the only physician to sign the U.S. Constitution — Benjamin Rush — Rush University Medical Center (RUMC) is now Chicago’s second-largest hospital, with multi-story buildings that dominate the city’s medical district.
The debate about the need (or lack of a need) for humidification in buildings rages on. I recently had an interesting conversation with an engineer who specializes in desiccant technology, in particular, dehumidification for operating rooms where the temperature is lowered to keep clinicians wearing sterile gowns comfortable.
Hospitals comingle infectious agents at their strongest with humans at their weakest. Proper relative humidity may be the greatest remaining underused weapon against HAIs.