A few circumstances in a data center make it ripe for a CHP design to boost efficiency. Let’s get into the options within both relevant chiller types, why payback may be shorter than expected, and the assorted potential benefits from lower costs to higher reliability. Some tips from an array of manufacturers’ reps round out this useful investigation.
In general, we’ve made so many existing platforms “smart” in other industries (e.g., computers, phones, cars, and household appliances), but we’ve neglected the very thing that powers all the rest — electricity.
This month’s Facility File will focus on the B2B April test for an HVAC application within a financial investment facility that is doubling its datacom room to accommodate a critical business environment.
This month’s B2B will focus on an existing datacom room located within a 200,000-sq-ft financial business office building. The existing datacom room is being expanded from 10,000 sq ft to 20,000 sq ft.
The increased focus on efficiency within the data cente world brings higher demands for thoughtful, well-planned spaces to house current IT equipment with consideration given to future needs.
These sensitive applications call for looking at several established humidification techniques through a particular lens. The authors not only review the processes involved in various technologies but also some relevant secondary effects, such as a change (or no change) in the air temperature, that could be especially meaningful in a data center.
Simple versus oversimple, Matchmaker versus Master, innovation versus inertia … our veteran data center expert looks back on time spent with an industry leader and looks forward with some lessons in mind.