Many facilities built in the 1970s and ’80s continue to operate and maintain aging induction-based air conditioning units originally installed in each room or space.
Living on campus is an integral part of the college experience. Prospective students evaluate the condition of campus facilities when choosing higher education options.
Increases in energy costs are leading many building owners and facility managers to look for more cost-effective ways to heat and cool their buildings.
The high-profile equipment involves an efficient, resilient trigeneration plant to provide heating, cooling, and power service. However, UConn’s most critical asset may be its forward-thinking, campus-wide energy strategy.
Life safety design on campus is hardly an academic exercise, but systems built to comply with older codes often get stuck in a senior slump. Execute a smart assessment to identify your upgrade options.
Atrium smoke control systems built during the 1980s and ’90s are commonly found in buildings at colleges and universities throughout the United States.
This month’s Facility File will focus on the B2B June test for a heating application on a college campus, with a building program removing a dormitory heating system from the campus high-pressure steam system and replacing it with a high-efficiency condensing hot water boiler within the dormitory.
The Forest Hills Public Schools Community and Aquatic Center in Forest Hills, MI, needed to replace two aging 24-ton dehumidifiers for its 12,000-sq-ft natatorium.
When the school year kicks off each year in late summer, it’s not unusual for temperatures in many parts of the country to soar into the 90s, which can make it difficult for students to concentrate and be productive.