Professor Ying Wang’s ammonium-ion battery has an aqueous electrolyte containing high-concentration salts that result in a significantly depressed freezing point for operation at sub-zero temperatures in space systems.
Classroom HVAC solutions, like single packaged unit ventilators, deliver budget- and maintenance-friendly solutions for school districts and designers.
Classroom HVAC solutions, like single packaged unit ventilators, deliver budget- and maintenance-friendly solutions for school districts and designers.
Boys and Girls High School in Brooklyn, one of 1,859 New York City public schools, was an early adopter of MERV-13 filtration for its numerous window air conditioning units.
Boys and Girls High School in Brooklyn, one of 1,859 New York City public schools, was an early adopter of MERV-13 filtration for its numerous window air conditioning units.
The school district achieved an energy savings of nearly $1.6 million in the three years following a comprehensive energy and infrastructure upgrade on six school and administration buildings.
The school district achieved an energy savings of nearly $1.6 million in the three years following a comprehensive energy and infrastructure upgrade on six school and administration buildings.