In April of 2011, the University of Utah broke ground on a renovation to consolidate multiple production centers into a central multi-tier data center in support of their diverse program mix, which includes the university’s Center for High-Performance Computing (CHPC).
This month’s Facility File will focus on the B2B May test for an existing datacom room located within a 50,000-square-foot medical records office building.
Sustainability represents many themes to many people. While some have a vested interest in maintaining continued success, others are committed to sustaining for the common good, whether it’s the elimination of poverty, preserving the environment, or other valuable causes.
Ten years ago, the name Alexa was a mere spec on the baby-naming landscape. Today, more than one-third of Americans are uttering the name (or the names of its voice-controlled cousins) every day to control the technology within their living spaces.