The ECV-40’s new design features a dual-fan arrangement consisting of direct drive mixed-flow plenum fans with variable frequency drives (VFDs) replacing the forward-curved fan typically found in energy core ventilators.
Engineering plays a definitive role when it comes to establishing the functional requirements of an occupied or unoccupied space’s supply air methods and devices.
We now have the mechanical equipment to create protective buildings, the tools to measure and track the connections between indoor climates, and the computing capabilities to correlate the data to tell us if we are doing things right.
Create a strategic plan prior to opening a building. The plan should include measures to make occupants feel safer, ensuring supply chain for critical items, such as filters and communication plans for building support and safety measures for occupants.
Taylor and medical officials around the world are seeking signatories on a petition asking the World Health Organization (WHO) to review the scientific evidence related to indoor humidity and respiratory immune system response, viral transmission, and virus inactivation.
Designing HVAC systems for large, mixed-use facilities is never easy, but imagine if that design had to meet the diverse needs of both a university and a community center all within the same building.