The dispatcher calls Bob about servicing an old oil furnace. The customer is old and is adamant that he doesn’t want a new furnace, so Bob does not try to get
him to upgrade to a new model. He tells the customer that he will see that he
gets the most out of the old furnace that he can.
On-the-job injuries can be stressful for
everyone who was involved or witnessed an accident. But no matter how upsetting
or time-consuming the situation, employers must remember to fill out the
paperwork afterwards for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
The six basic steps of brazing are highlighted: good fit and proper clearance; cleaning the metals; fluxing the parts; assemble for brazing; brazing the assembly; and cleaning the brazed joint.
Air conditioning system commissioning and startup is the process of inspecting a new air conditioning installation, and verifying that the new system is running properly and efficiently. This article describes the commissioning procedure.
While workers’ compensation managed care is widely viewed as a means of controlling expenses, the results are sometimes quite different from what is expected. In fact, in many cases the consequences are not only unintended but also undesirable and costly to employers.
United States factory shipments of residential cooling and heating equipment declined in February, compared with the same month a year ago, according to the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI).
Boiler “short cycling” occurs when an oversized boiler quickly satisfies process or space heating demands, and then shuts down until heat is again required. This article points out the inefficiency of short cycling and provides suggested actions to maximize boiler efficiency.
Bob and Btu Buddy get together for lunch and talk about why high head pressure seems to drive up the power consumption of a compressor. Bob remarks that the problem “doesn’t seem to happen in the cooling season, only in the heating season. What is the difference and why is this happening?”
Under a new law, employers who are already covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (50 or more employees) may need to expand their list of employees who qualify for unpaid time off, and the amount of unpaid time that employees can take off has more than doubled in some cases.
Remember that automatic control systems are automatic in operation, but not self-repairing. Unless a building has a service contract with a reputable controls contractor to inspect and calibrate the HVAC control system every six months, it is very likely that the HVAC system is not providing maximum comfort.