Global developer Taurus Investment Holdings (Boston) has officially opened its $2 billion sustainable community, Whisper Valley, in East Austin, Texas. The company’s vision is to attract buyers who want to lead a socially responsible lifestyle with affordable and energy efficient homes in a sustainable development.
The equipment in this month’s troubleshooting problem is a forced-air electric heating system with five resistance-type elements, and in order to ensure that this equipment can operate with maximum efficiency and prevent an electrical system overload on a call for heat, a multiple-step sequencer system employed.
Modern refrigerant systems are designed to be efficient and leak free. Refrigerant systems are pressurized and, in reality, it is widely accepted that no pressurized system is entirely leak free; it is simply a case of how much and where the system is leaking.
Making intelligent, informed financial decisions is the best way to keep your business running smoothly and profitably. Businesses are very much like fine-tuned machines: each complicated part must be developed independently, but they must work well together to deliver consistent, long-term results.
Behind the work, training, bids and contracts is the business of sheet metal work, and for decades, training coordinators and instructors have taught Business 101 to their members at their home training centers. The class was geared to educate members on the financial, human resources and general operation of a business using in-person classes, books and expertise.
Service valves are so basic, and we see them with such regularity that we can miss them altogether. But, before I give the tips, I want to address the tech who tells the customer it was “probably the service valve” or “the caps were loose” as a plausible reason for a leak without actually doing a proper diagnosis. Don’t make excuses, find the leak.
Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) Commissioner, Lisette Camilo, announced the 50th installation of wireless pneumatic thermostats (WPT), a sustainable technology that will save time, money, and energy in older buildings. As part of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s goal to transform New York City’s municipal buildings for a low-carbon future, as outlined in "One City, Built to Last," the DCAS has identified, tested, and vetted this new innovative wireless digital thermostat.
Whether an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspection of your workplace is triggered by a workplace injury, a formal complaint, or a programmed wall-to-wall inspection, being prepared beforehand will help limit exposure and help defend against any citations that may be issued.
In this month’s troubleshooting problem, the equipment that needs servicing is a split system heat pump, manufactured under the brand name Grandaire (ICP, Lewisburg, Tennessee). The indoor unit model number is WAPT304A2, and the outdoor unit model number is WCH5304KGA100. This is a 2.5-ton unit in a residential installation.