To turn around the performance of a troubled company, a new leader or change agent must gather information in the shortest possible time. This requires input from everyone at all levels. Here are 10 ways to obtain employee input effectively.
Modern zoned comfort control systems employ the latest in electronics technology and care as much for the contractor's installation needs as the homeowner's comfort and convenience.
Measuring airflow can be difficult and time consuming, but it can be useful to troubleshooters. An easy method of measuring the airflow through a system that uses electric heaters is provided here.
I have had four trucks in the past, but I am running solo now. I now question whether management is even possible for me or was there just a particular set of problems I was not able to overcome?
A new refrigerant charging device (patent pending) has been developed to supply a simplified method of providing more precise system charging. It is intended to give technicians an easy and more accurate way to charge. This article details the invention.
Many people think accountability only crops up when something goes wrong. A more positive approach to accountability can do more to achieve outstanding results than all the finger pointing and blaming in the world.
Attempting to force maintenance spending into specific lumps of time that do not meet the needs of our machines creates the need to defer maintenance. Maintenance budgets fail because budgeting authorities do not understand the disastrous consequences of deferring maintenance.
I hate public speaking but with an ever-expanding company I feel I must learn to talk to the company as a whole. Standing up in front of the entire company with every eye on me is unnerving. Do you have any suggestions?