Do you want more repeat business? Start with these four simple changes. They can be implemented into your business immediately, and you’ll see a profound long-term change in how your business retains more repeat customers.
Your job is to anticipate all the questions a customer may have and make sure they’re all answered before the doorbell is rung. If you fail to answer all these questions correctly, you’re simply setting yourself up for failure.
How do you follow up on a sales presentation when the potential customer doesn’t purchase immediately? That’s the question we as HVAC contractors have been debating for a number of years.
Employee turnover exists at most organizations — big, small, public, or private — and the type of turnover can be a combination of involuntary or voluntary, healthy or unhealthy. Reducing employee turnover requires management to analyze the root causes of turnover.
I’ve been lucky in my life to have mostly been shielded from the evils of fraud, theft, and other criminal mishaps that happen daily. Until now. I learned, much to my dismay, that my wife’s social security number was stolen sometime last year, and, since then, our lives have been turned upside down.
Even if you have a dedicated human resources department that lets new employees know about the programs you offer, make sure your administration staff is sufficiently educated to talk about what all of these things mean and their potential impact on your employees’ financial wellness.
The ultimate question is: What is the proper action to take to preserve your reputation in the business world, your standing with the community, and, last but not least, your sanity?
Whether you’re large or small, you can be assured that, at some time, issues are going to arise that will tax your mind and spirit to come up with the correct answer(s). Without a large internal staff, to whom do we turn to seek advice when one of those issues occur?
Anyone can learn from their own mistakes, but a wise man learns from the mistakes of others. Think about where you are, where you want to go, what you know, and what you don’t know.