This article will address the common confusion found in differentiating a business exit from a business succession. Both are needed to successfully exit a business, unlock trapped wealth, protect one’s legacy, and successfully move the company into the next generation or to an external buyer.
With no shortage of “experts” out there who all claim to do exactly the same thing, here are some of the things business owners should be looking for as they decide which company will earn their business.
As we move from one crises to the next, we’re forced to put out fires of all kinds along the way and answer to issues that occur with our employees on a daily or hourly basis. Given the circumstances, it’s very easy to get distracted from our main purpose.
When you visit clients, it can be tempting to strive for good service. But when you shock your clients with your higher-level Framework for Service, you’ll get more clients calling you, and you can charge more for your service.
Are you still questioning the need for reviews in your company? I hope not. Everyone in your company deserves to know and understand the direction the company is headed and their role in the company’s future.
Let’s face it — the HVACR industry simply isn’t portrayed as the vital and necessary component of modern living it should be. It’s not portrayed as being sexy or fun, but the truth is the HVACR industry truly is vital to our way of life.
Few HVAC sales professionals canvass anymore. Canvassing is seeking business door-to-door. It’s personal marketing at its most fundamental level. If you want more sales for yourself or your business, maybe you should try canvassing. Here’s how to do it.
I’m sure we’ve all read studies that show fewer than 10 percent of the population sets goals, less than half of these people achieve their goals, and yet everyone believes goal setting is very important. So, why do we all agree having goals is important yet more than 90 percent of us don’t set them?
PBP can be one of the greatest things to ever happen to a business, but it can also be a very costly and divisive thing, as well. Any business must proceed with caution if it decides to implement PBP and may only do so after answering a few very important questions and preparing to put in a lot of work to both create and support the program.