Imagine being too busy to want more customers. Take that one step further. Imagine being too busy to need customers. Don't businesses have to continue to cultivate their customer base and grow by addition, rather than standing still?
I was reading an article in Business 2.0, which involved "seeding" a market for hit products. As I looked outside a number of birds were flying around our bird feeder, fighting for the seeds inside. Hmmmm - seeding and seeds - some sort of a sign?
In the days following the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington D.C., The NEWS spoke with some businesses that had been directly and indirectly affected. Five years later, the people involved in our original story - as well as others - speak about the impact of 9/11 and how they have moved forward.
Here's the dilemma. On an after-hours emergency, a customer says their water heater blew a temperature & pressure valve (T&P) and flooded the basement. The plumber makes the repair. But later the customer's insurance company says he's liable for damages. Why? His company sticker is on the water heater.
National and local leadership of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) got together in northern Michigan recently to talk about issues and challenges facing both organizations.
Dr. Gary Rodabaugh told attendees to the Michigan Chapter of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (MIACCA) Convention that they should care about IAQ issues because each has an affect on their businesses.
Are contractors getting paid what they are worth? Attendees to the Michigan Chapter of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (MIACCA) Convention were given an earful on this topic by David Holt of Profit Strategies Inc.
Gary Figurski, a certified valuation analyst (CVA) and business owner, told contractors at the MIACCA Convention that cash flow is the first thing he looks at when reviewing a company's profit and loss statement.
An issue that's becoming more important is a change in HVAC parts availability and usage - especially with the more stringent efficiency standards of 13 SEER. The NEWS spoke with representatives from Rheem, its distributors, and dealers about their concerns over all aspects of the 13 SEER parts market.