The best way to prevent Zika, according to the CDC, is to prevent mosquito bites in general. The health organization also recommends using air conditioning in the home or staying in places with air conditioning to prevent mosquito bites.
With HVAC systems being among the largest consumers of energy inside school buildings, it comes as no surprise that energy efficiency is one of the top drivers for the replacement market in institutional settings.
The following case studies highlight several ways in which HVACR solutions have been implemented to help various buildings in these three markets meet their energy-efficiency and comfort goals.
Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems are becoming popular options in the hospital and health care market due to their zoning capabilities, which limit energy use in areas not constantly in use.
Many HVAC business owners and managers who have had to break employees of bad habits can attest that while there is no exact scientific method for modifying employee behavior, there are a few common methods industry professionals swear by.
A recent MarketsandMarkets study estimates the cooling tower market will reach $2.88 billion — a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.2 percent — by 2020.