How often have we all observed a shoddy coworker and thought, “How is that person still employed?” Unfortunately, I find myself thinking that more times than I’d care to admit.
I have talked with many in the industry who believe once kids reach high school, society has placed them on a path, and it is very difficult to introduce trade schools into their plans at that point. These people say you need to reach these kids in middle school to plant the HVAC seed.
With all the new and emerging technologies out there, it’s also an exciting time for the HVAC industry. What makes it exciting is not just the latest and greatest air conditioners or heat pumps; it’s also taking new technologies that have nothing to do with the industry and finding a way to incorporate them into the HVAC world.
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) estimates that the average cost of a bad hiring decision can equal 30 percent of the individual’s first year potential earnings.
If HVAC owners want to strengthen the performance of their teams, they must rely on training sessions, seminars, and conferences, where they can immerse themselves in the latest equipment, tactics, and guidance necessary to catapult themselves from average to market-leading.
The HVAC geothermal industry recently received some good news when Google formed an independent business called Dandelion to get into the geothermal space.
Make sure your company is a place employees can take pride in when talking with their family, friends, or strangers. With the lack of qualified workers in the HVAC field, having your employees speak so highly of your business can only help.
Of all of the possible conferences and shows, including general small business shows, nothing matches the Service World Expo. Here are seven reasons why it is the show to attend.
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