Networking is everything nowadays, folks. When I began my position at The NEWS, I was far from an HVAC expert; however, my managing editor suggested I join our LinkedIn group and many other industry-related groups to connect with HVAC professionals to learn from.
We ran a poll at where more than 300 contractors voted. The results showed that 30 percent of contractors are willing to install products purchased by customers online while 70 percent would not. There were still more people saying no, but it was much closer than I imagined it would be when we posted the question.
President Trump signed the Apprenticeship and Workforce of Tomorrow executive order into law June 15, which is designed to expand apprenticeship opportunities in hopes of filling approximately 6 million vacant jobs.
We’ve all heard that saying, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” I don’t know about all that, but cleaning up after yourself should be second nature. I emphasize the word “should” because it boggles my mind that there are people, especially service contractors, who leave a giant mess behind them wherever they go.
The following remarks were made regarding the “Charge Assurance: To ‘Affinity’ and Beyond!” article, written by Herb Woerpel, published May 8, 2017, in The NEWS.
Atlanta contractor Doug Zweber wants to bring the Uber technology to the HVAC industry. Uber, of course, revolutionized the taxi business. Zweber wants to accomplish the same thing with his company.
The following remarks were made regarding the “EPA Finalizes R-22 Phaseout Plan” article, written by former editor Peter Powell, published Nov. 23, 2014, in The NEWS.
While I suspect that selling a home can be quite arduous, selling a business must be much more challenging. The entire process can take up to three years if the owner is not prepared, according to Bill Pulte, CEO, Pulte Capital Partners LLC.
Do you know an HVACR instructor who is making a difference in his or her students’ lives? Or have you been inspired by an industry trainer? Take a moment to recognize these outstanding educators by nominating them for the 2017 Best Instructor and Best Trainer Awards.
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