For good reason, HVAC contractors train their salespeople to be very observant when entering a potential customer’s home. They are instructed to look for signs of kids, pets, etc. This can lead to a conversation about IAQ or zoning as the salesperson attempts to solve problems for all residents.
A skilled trades apprenticeship, specifically within HVAC, prepares up-and-coming technicians for a fulfilling career in a trade that doesn’t get the attention or publicity it so rightly deserves, as nearly everyone who goes through apprenticeship comes out a winner.
Perhaps nothing short of the looming technician shortage has helped bring the industry closer and encourage collaboration more than fighting the governmental overregulation that is impacting HVACR businesses nationwide, from the manufacturer all the way down to the installer.
As your personal relationships grow, so will your professional relationships. Strong professional relationships strengthen trust, build mutual respect, encourage open communication, and, ultimately, create stronger businesses.
Does your work environment encourage growth, opportunity, recognition, education, and a winning attitude for all employees? Then I encourage you to nominate your company as a 2016 Best Contractor to Work For.
At the end of the day, it is imperative that contractors do not lose focus of the fundamentals, which, in the HVAC world, include performing a correct installation while providing superior customer service.
Readers answer the question: "Regional standards reporting rules began Aug. 15 for Southeast/Southwest contractors and all distributors. Will this seriously impact your business?"
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