However unpredictable my vote may be, like many of you, I go to the polls. It dawns on me that perhaps the most important factor in this election year, (and in many elections past) is the number of people who will not go to the polls — and thereby, will determine the election.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that more than one third of all skilled tradesmen are over the age of 50. As these quality tradesmen begin to retire, the task for contractors to find quality employees will continue to get harder.
The latest regulatory merry-go-round with the Department of Energy (DOE) could be considered a prime example of what is wrong with Washington. It’s not the conservatives, the progressives, the gridlock in Congress, or the lack of bi-partisanship. It is the endless expansion of regulatory agencies.
With HFC refrigerants secure for the foreseeable future, it is still interesting to take a look from time to time at phase down talk and how the industry may adjust should that become a reality.
Despite the success of the Montreal Protocol — and increased efficiency standards — a recent New York Times article centered on a group of “leading scientists” who believe that if planetary potential is maxed out, 27 percent of all global warming effects to 2050 can be attributed to the gasses utilized in air conditioners.
This week I am writing about bowling. Not so much the 7-10 split or how many beers translate into the best score — although I would guess more than 3 and less than 6 — but I am writing about the customer service I received from a local bowling alley that turned me from a disgruntled customer to a loyal one.
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Who Benefits By Eliminating 410 Components
R410A Service components
Manufacturing of 410A Units as Components
Refrigerant Transition