Despite the success of the Montreal Protocol — and increased efficiency standards — a recent New York Times article centered on a group of “leading scientists” who believe that if planetary potential is maxed out, 27 percent of all global warming effects to 2050 can be attributed to the gasses utilized in air conditioners.
This week I am writing about bowling. Not so much the 7-10 split or how many beers translate into the best score — although I would guess more than 3 and less than 6 — but I am writing about the customer service I received from a local bowling alley that turned me from a disgruntled customer to a loyal one.
It’s likely that you have a solid advertising campaign, but the question is, “What’s its focus?” Is it focused on branding or is it focused on products and service? What’s the difference? The difference is in memory retention.
In addition to the top-of-the-ticket candidates, I urge contractors to put just as much research in what candidates on the local level believe because these people have a much more direct impact on how an HVAC contractor’s business will operate on a day-by-day basis.
It’s July and it’s hot. That means it’s time for another TV investigative report on those dirty rotten HVAC contractors. This time it was NBC’s turn to catch contractors in the act at a home in New Jersey and a group of six service technicians didn’t disappoint the camera crew or the reporter.
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Excellent summary!...
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