Call me crazy, but I love going to AHR Expo because I always learn about some really cool products, meet a lot of interesting people, and hear about how The NEWS has had an impact on the HVACR industry.
Having just returned from the International Builder’s Show in Orlando, I have to remark that the show has downsized itself quite noticeably. Though what might be called the world’s largest home and garden show is less than its gargantuan self of years past, it is still an awesome event.
Imagine my surprise when I saw the December 2011 bulletin of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) with this giant headline on the cover: “How Air Conditioning, Cable News, and Thomas Jefferson Created the Mess in Washington.”
The Oklahoma geothermal industry suffered a tragic and shocking loss on Friday evening [Dec. 9, 2011] when Scott and Rocky Beller, cousins, were killed in a small-plane crash while returning from an electric utility planning meeting in western Oklahoma.
Last week The NEWS was in Chicago in full force for the AHR Expo. At the expo or any event, the handshakes and passing out of business cards can start to feel very routine. But there are rewards for the effort we put into it. It made me think back to a seminar I attended last year on the power of networking.
These comments concern whether there’s a huge need for new, skilled employees, and what individuals have done to promote HVAC as a career to high schoolers.
Now I realize that people are reading this article in late January and those resolutions that you proclaimed so loudly three weeks ago are barely a faint memory. But this is also a good time to come up with some New Year’s resolutions for your business.
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