Perhaps we have beaten our readers over the head with this over the last eight months, but we are celebrating our 85th year in publication in 2011 and are quite proud.
I’m starting to run out of fingers and toes to count up all the years that I have been attending the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference each summer in Kansas City, Mo. For the first few years I simply attended and watched. Then, for some crazy reason, in 2000 I was asked to be a judge.
Sometimes HVACR is a hot job in the literal sense; evidence the cover story in this issue. Our friends at the Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) and Mechanical Service Contractors of America (MSCA) make a particularly consistent and strong statement among their respective memberships - safety is Job One.
Sounds like Old Man Murphy is swimming in negativity again. Did you write that editorial before or after screaming at the neighborhood kids to get off your lawn? Because you were born close to biblical times, you will perhaps be familiar with the phrase “Rome was not built in a day.”
Green buildings: How’s that working out for you? After the huge rush for energy efficiency in new and existing buildings - a laudable and needed effort - it appears that the line at the picnic is starting to thin out.
As we have tried to develop new ways to reach our prospects, one of the ways we have found successful is really a throwback to one of our most successful methods. More than ever it is time to get yourself and your sales personnel involved in the community.
When you started out in the HVAC industry, did you ever think that someday you’d be marketing your company with online photo albums and short 140-character posts? How could you imagine any of this since Facebook and Twitter didn’t even exist back then?
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