More than 4,000 Neighborly franchise owners can now use XOi’s digital field-service application to connect and share customer referrals across 19 of the company’s home-service brands.
With online reviews, and online presence in general, becoming one of the most important factors for potential new customers, HVAC contractors need to give more focus to how they are seen on different online platforms.
Referrals are what successful companies thrive on, and they are what allow for massive growth and expansion. The services or products are so outstanding that the consumer raves to family, friends, and neighbors.
Any good business owner knows the value of repeat business. The cost of generating additional business from existing customers is generally far lower than acquiring new customers, meaning a better return on investment for your efforts.
A customer represents not only a sales transaction completed at a point in time but is also a potential asset for the future. You need to work on that asset if you want to make the best of this new opportunity.
What is the image that you want for your company? Does it “match” that image represented in your marketing? If not, you’ve already lost. Why? The vast majority of the market only knows you by one thing … your image.
Are you looking for ways to attract new customers? Are customers coming in the door, but you have trouble keeping them as long-term clients? These are fairly common dilemmas for HVAC contractors — and almost everyone else in the services industry.