Even contractors who are diligent about training their teams often overlook their own personal training needs. Make sure you look for personal training opportunities to become a better business person, manager, and leader. Shore up your areas of weakness, whether it’s marketing or finance.
Johnstone Supply Inc. announced the achievement of a significant milestone having reached $2 billion in annual sales. The company, founded in 1953, has a long history of growth and leadership in the HVACR industry. In 1981 the company was converted into a member-owned cooperative with 32 locations and annual sales of $28 million. Today, the 102 members of the cooperative operate 410 locations, supported by six regional distribution centers, with annual sales of $2 billion.
Everyone sells no matter what you do. It might not be a direct sale where you receive a financial reward for “selling” something. But selling includes trying to convince to do something they might not have to consider or are in opposition to.
Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) has recognized Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn.; Reps. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz.; and Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash. with the HARDI Small Business Champion Award.
It’s easy to open a business — anyone can do it. But, what’s not easy is opening a business and running it in such a way that it becomes a successful business. To take it one step further, it seems safe to say that it’s definitely not easy to maintain that success while traveling across the bridges of time and change.
The NEWS asked seven of its Best Contractors to Work For contest winners to share the best business advice they’ve ever received. Each individual offered unique advice, ranging from clearly defining a company’s purpose to fully trusting in God’s omnipotence. Here for your perusal are the insights, advice, and opinions as provided by the Magnificent Seven.
Atlanta contractor Doug Zweber wants to bring the Uber technology to the HVAC industry. Uber, of course, revolutionized the taxi business. Zweber wants to accomplish the same thing with his company.
I have been an active member of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) here in St. Louis for more than 30 years. Through that time, I have learned some interesting things I’d like to share, which I believe will be worthwhile to contractors.
Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) has announced the speakers for its upcoming Marketing & Sales Focus Conference on Sept. 18-19 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is the last and largest HARDI Focus Conference of the year.