In this position, Golen will work closely across several departments, including product development, sales, and marketing as well as assist the executive team with strategic planning and implementation.
“I hope to provide opportunities for our great people to be successful and, in turn, successfully lead the company to sustainable, profitable growth,” Trimbach said.
“As we get ready to launch a number of exciting new customer programs and services in 2019, this facility will help support our continued expansion,” said Robert Coolidge, president and CEO, Encompass.
“I always disliked being called the middleman," said Mike Riley, president, Riley Sales. "If that is what a manufacturer and/or the contractor thinks of a wholesale distributor, then the relationship will always be bad."
“To be able to provide a piece of Sgt. Gower's new house is an incredible privilege we are honored to have,” said Doug Young, CEO and president, Behler-Young.
Contractors, dealers, and other customers are changing their attitudes toward the whole sales process. Further, process, industrial, and institutional customers, along with larger dealers, are growing harder to reach.