Lennox Industries Inc. has announced increased prices ranging from 3 to 6 percent on select residential equipment, accessories, and parts, effective Jan. 1, 2017.
Lennox Industries has announced a price increase of up to 5 percent effective Nov. 1, 2016 on all commercial package rooftop units, commercial split systems and air handlers, and commercial accessories.
The average price for a gallon of gas in 2012 was $3.68, per the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Prices averaged $2.43 in 2015 and are expected to maintain similar or lower prices throughout 2016 and into 2017.
Does your flat rate pricing follow the ‘click here buy now’ model? Your customer no longer has time to be sold. Learn how to speed up the process by using Amazon.com’s three key strategies to restore your flat rate pricing system.
Setting a price structure is typically one of a business owner’s greatest challenges. If a company’s commodity is priced too high, potential customers are likely to look elsewhere. And, if its costs are too low, the business may fail to generate enough revenue to pay it’s workers or management.
Sales of oil furnaces had been declining precipitously since 2004, but it seems that lower oil prices, local incentives, and pent-up demand may be fueling a small surge in sales.
UTC Climate, Controls & Security, which manufactures products under the Carrier, Bryant, Payne, and ICP brand names, has announced a price increase of up to 5 percent on residential and commercial HVAC equipment.
Traditionally, the approach of winter means a rise in fuel prices along with a steep drop in temperatures, but this year is looking to defy those expectations. Heating oil prices have fallen in several states. According to the U.S. Energy Information Association (EIA), those price drops are the beginning of a long-term trend rather than a short-term reprieve.
One might think that determining selling prices would be a relatively easy task once the costs have been determined. However, I can assure you, based on personal experience and some classes I have presented, even the most intelligent and supposedly sophisticated contractors do not always arrive at the selling price they want and intend to use.
As the economy continues to rise, the price to do business is following suit. Recent studies suggest HVAC system construction and maintenance services are on the rise.