The author's firm recently explored three options for use in buildings that are “user-friendly” when dealing with the highly variable load demands of multi-tenant occupancies, often requiring simultaneous space heating and cooling requirements. Read on to see what they found out about performance and life-cycle cost for their client.
Just what the doctor ordered: specifics on pre-filters, after-filters, AHU tips, and more to meet
critical IAQ goals and prevent that ventilation system from operating in a “fog.”
Plenty of potential ventilation crises await many otherwise unassuming buildings, thanks to
nothing more sinister than truck accidents, emissions from nearby buildings, or unavoidable
natural disasters. However, by pairing a clear basis of design with HVAC response strategies,
building owners can apply some forethought and preparation to avoid worst-case consequences.
Start by asking the right questions about your facility.
An initiative that promises to make Milwaukee one of the most energy-efficient cities in the nation has been launched by the city and Milwaukee-based Johnson Controls.
Identifying motor retrofit opportunities in cooling towers, air handlers, exhaust fans, and
circulating pumps reflects the no-stone-unturned strategy Rutgers employs in energy management.For those motors, boiler upgrades, and future projects, the university regularly seizes on multiple incentives opportunities — ranging from utility offers to good old-fashioned intraschool competition — to teach efficiency in action.
From a collaborative effort to rebuild after World War II to “microgrids” and buildings selling back un-used electricity, the basic concept has gone under several names and come a long way. Here, the authors discuss how facilities pursuing high performance can make sense of the many energy-related services and programs to help finance capital improvement projects and infrastructure upgrades.
The company has introduced its comprehensive line of high efficiency integrated boiler control systems featuring graphical visualization and information collection to facilitate easier and better operational management of boilers and supporting peripherals. Each integrated control system provides PLC control, VFDs, and HMI interfaces devices. To facilitate centralized control and data collection, the BOILERMaster brings all the aforementioned components to a central point of control and collection of all the information about the company’s connected equipment. Hurst Boiler & Welding Co.