The Continental Automated Buildings Association has completed a collaborative research study to identify, define and size the principle business opportunities presented by the growth of smart grids in relation to intelligent buildings.
Vaisala has added a new seminar to its Humidity seminar series. "Monitoring & Mapping cGMP environments" was created to help GxP-compliant facilities reduce the risk of deviations being observed during audits and inspections. The new seminar reviews the relevant GMP regulations and guidances around temperature and humidity mapping and monitoring and includes a workshop where participants will get hands-on experience of temperature and humidity validation by Vaisala's experienced validation expert, Paul Daniel.
The building industry now has greater flexibility in the design of high-performance buildings through a change impacting application of the green building standard from ASHRAE, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), and the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) included in the International Green Construction Code (IgCC).
Calling all engineers, designers and other interested parties to enter the Green Leaf Inn Green Building Challenge. The Challenge asks for participants to design an Energy Management Control System; providing a strategy and product selection to control, manage and gather data on an integrated renewable energy system for the Green Leaf Inn (GLI), opening Spring 2013 as the first Net Zero Energy Hotel in North America. Interested parties must submit completed entry forms online by July 1 at
Design and construction of a “shack” to demonstrate renewable and HVAC technologies, including solar thermal heating, photovoltaic power generation, high efficiency and green insulation options and wood pellet stoves, is being developed by undergraduate students in an ASHRAE Undergraduate Senior Project Grant.
On April 17, 2012, a team of researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) performed a shake table test on a full-size building with a Baltimore Aircoil Company (BAC) PT2 Cooling Tower.
An initiative that promises to make Milwaukee one of the most energy-efficient cities in the nation has been launched by the city and Milwaukee-based Johnson Controls.
When Ross Cailotto, the owner of R.E.C. Service Corp., heard about the KE2 Evaporator Efficiency controller (KE2 Evap), he knew he had found the solution. Before having the KE2 Evap, replacing an old Beacon system with mechanical controls meant moving product from the walk-in to temporary storage while the refrigeration system was off for 8 hrs or more.
With 10 LEED certified facilities and millions of additional square feet in the works, a well-known global Internet company committed to running green facilities was facing cooling and maintenance challenges at several of its data centers.