Back-pressure steam turbines reduce Princeton’s carbon footprint by 1,200 pounds annually.In 2008, Princeton University developed a sustainability plan to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels by the year
The Hilton San Diego Bayfront has an integrated controls system that allows for programming of the AHU and central plant and for demand control and energy efficiency sequences.Rising 30 stories
Park Plaza Condominiums, a nine-level mixed-use property in Pittsburgh, achieved electrifying results after retrofitting more than 120 submeters over a 35-day period.Located a few blocks from Pittsburgh’s Carnegie-Mellon University, Park
A state-of-the-art refrigeration system has saved 40% in energy costs and removed 29 million pounds of CO2 from the atmosphere.When Giant Food Stores opened the doors to its new Harrisburg,
Generating and using energy efficiently
should be a no-brainer. Why would anyone want to spend more money
than they have to, foolishly over-use limited energy resources, and
emit more into the air and water than they have to in order to
prosper, provide jobs, and live in comfort? Why would anyone ignore
inarguable evidence that a relatively small investment in their home
or business (or factory) can save money, resources, actually pay for
itself after a reasonable period of time, and even selfishly yield
some important ongoing public relations value to the business?
In this case history, an auto assembly plant enjoys a reduction in energy use and maintenance after retrofitting a powerhouse boiler with a new control valve system.
Setting its sights on reducing emissions and possibly some additional governmental edicts to demand them, the company crafts a patent-pending strategy to complement an economizer, focusing on cold makeup water, a deaerator, and a secondary exchanger.
This massive mountaintop project relies on the ability to pour concrete even in cold weather, and that’s where Ware’s equipment plugged the gap for the Taum Sauk Dam.