More specifically, has natural gas been overlooked? Let’s take a look at some previous habits and code language, current needs, and the advantages that a CHP system can provide for those exceedingly regulated of all environments: hospitals.
It might seem like an odd objective, but the potential efficiency gains are real. And from heat recovery chillers to modified humidification targets so are the opportunities to replace steam production with hot water generation and to manage remaining steam needs more intelligently.
The production of thermal power is critically important in carrying out the mission of health care facilities where it is used for space heating, humidification, domestic water heating, and for processes in dietary, laundry, and sterilization departments.
A dramatic rise in the popularity of the Dominican Republic as a resort destination has led to the expansion of the principal airport serving the island’s eastern provinces, Punta Cana International Airport.
This month’s Facility File will focus on the B2B June test for an HVAC application on a college campus with a building program to construct a new 12-classroom facility. The project delivery method is integrated project delivery (IPD).
Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code (USEHC) contains some requirements that may be inappropriate given certain conditions, climates, or simple designer discretion. That’s not a problem … unless your locality or state adopts USECH language as binding. Dig into the problem and note a timely opportunity to avoid having these issues set in stone for another few years.
As early as 3000 BC, civilizations began to create codes for public order and safety. The Code of Hammurabi, the old “eye for an eye” law many are familiar with, also included laws for safe building construction.
So many areas where a little forethought and awareness can avoid larger problems — sizing, velocity, piping and connections, double trapping, condensate return, proper pressure, blowdown tanks, and more. Read on for some good habits and why they’re worth having.
When designing or replacing a low pressure steam boiler, throw out everything you know about hydronic boilers. A steam system is closer in operation to an air conditioning unit than it is to a hydronic boiler. If you design a steam system using hydronic design methods, it will not operate properly.
Leaning on experience and data from various K-12 cities and projects, the authors pursue some less conventional design approaches. They may revolve around radiant heating and/or cooling, but depending on school size and other factors, the smart use of heat recovery, DOAS, and improved central plants could also put a project on the HVAC honor roll.