In which the design team realized they could pump irrigation water from the campus’ main distribution line at night to use for cooling during the day if they could figure out how to store thousands of gallons of water on the new building’s first floor -- a vertically small space. Piping strategy, CFD, and chilled beams fill out an innovative closing argument on behalf of this Utah law school.
In today’s complex web of regulations, equipment and fuel options, and traditional threats to facility operations, it only makes sense to get up to speed on CHP.
This chiller plant retrofit team encountered challenging existing conditions and an-swered with savvy choices for piping and valves as well as the chillers. Good communication, accurate documentation, and a creative bidding idea you might want to borrow also contributed to bringing the mechanical work in effectively and on budget.
Pumps, flues, valves, sizing, maintenance ... there’s a lot more to consider than just the boiler. Keep the car metaphor in mind, and your next replacement might not drive you to despair.
Are we headed for a scenario reminiscent of big-budget disaster films? Maybe not. But when it comes to water usage, it’s time for engineers to put down the popcorn and embrace a new role: designer of more responsible data centers. Optimizing cooling towers, boosting the CoC, and considering your WUE are just three steps for maintaining the flow of information while minimizing the flow of H2O.