Over my 50 years in the HVAC industry (OMG … 50 years!) I made it a point to change jobs approximately every seven years to continue to improve my knowledge of the HVAC industry.
The Australian Technology Park (ATP) in Sydney is a business and technology center intended to serve as an incubator for high-tech startups with the desire to bring research and commercial interests together in a symbiotic environment.
Seven questions to always ask the existing boiler’s operator round up this article, written to save you time and save your client grief (and possibly money) before, during, and after the project. Pumps, pipes, asbestos, and budget are just a few areas where opportunity (or problems) await.
One of the challenges we have with commercial buildings is the fine line between providing a safe and healthy indoor environment and maximizing energy efficiency.
When it comes to cereal, the Kellogg Company has made its mark at the breakfast table. Today, as more companies strive toward sustainability, Kellogg is aiming to leave a positive mark on the environment.
While energy efficiency remains at the forefront of trends impacting the HVACR industry, it’s not only efficiency that the industry — and country — needs to be thinking about.
One of the primary objectives of the model building codes is to minimize the impact of fire, including reducing to the greatest extent possible the spread of fire and smoke floor-to-floor.
For many years, duct products have often involved significant on-site measurement and construction, bringing certain advantages and risks. Here, that practice is com-pared to the use of listed ductwork, with an eye on duct integrity, hood connections, clearance to combustibles,
fire ratings, and more.