Leaning on experience and data from various K-12 cities and projects, the authors pursue some less conventional design approaches. They may revolve around radiant heating and/or cooling, but depending on school size and other factors, the smart use of heat recovery, DOAS, and improved central plants could also put a project on the HVAC honor roll.
When it comes to writing an important research paper, it’s essential to include references. That’s exactly what Tom Mangogna had his district engineering staff do when it came time to research using Daikin for their school district.
Budgets, codes, and technologies are constantly shifting and evolving. These days, even the classrooms are often portable. Staying one step ahead will depend on your knowledge of current design options and how to integrate them into the space.
Whether kids like school or not, attendance is mandatory for many years. Academic performance during this time often influences eventual jobs, income, and life satisfaction. During the formative years, parents mandate adequate sleep and good eating habits to improve their children’s concentration.
This month’s B2B will focus on a small city school system that chose to invest in an annual contract for a temporary air-cooled chiller for special events and an emergency crisis shelter center.
School, warehouse, office building … the boiler stories they tell put the focus back on specific circumstances and smart pre-design study to ensure their systems (and budgets) enjoy the best of times for as long as possible.
Automated Control Systems, Inc. recently completed a $2.7 million BAS integration as part of the renovation and expansion of Monroe Hall on the campus of Loyola University in New Orleans.